Griffin over Ortiz
Johnson over Koscheck
Thiago over Volkman (sp?)
Nogueria over Cane
Johnson over Koscheck
Thiago over Volkman (sp?)
Nogueria over Cane
I based the beef dish on this post form the Adventures in The Kitchen food blog. But instead of doing a tenderloin roast, I trimmed the beef tenderloin into a roast and 6 fillets. I seasoned them with my cajun beef rub and then made the gorgonzola sauce.
Gorgonzola Sauce
4 cups heavy cream
3 to 4 ounces crumbly Gorgonzola (not creamy or “dolce”)
3 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
Bring the heavy cream to a full boil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, then continue to boil rapidly for 45 to 50 minutes, until thickened like a white sauce, stirring occasionally.
Off the heat, add the Gorgonzola, Parmesan, salt, pepper, and parsley. Whisk rapidly until the cheeses melt and serve warm.
I grilled the fillets at 600f on the Big Green Egg.
Nice sear marks right? I have a trick (but not a cast iron grate). I use a cheap cast iron griddle plate that I got from Lowes on the Egg for the first 2 minutes. I turn the steaks 90 degrees after one minute.

Then I take the griddle out and finish cooking for another 4 minutes flipping them for a total cooking time of 6 minutes (1 minute side A, 1 minute side A turned, 2 minutes side B, 2 minutes side A, remove and rest).
TIP: The cast iron griddle plate will be hot enough to burn right through oven mitts in just seconds, so remove the plate with long handled pliers.
I topped the fillets with some more crumbled gorgonzola cheese and then gorgonzola sauce. (Excuse the picture, I forgot to switch from the custom white balance I was using out side. Plus I was hungry, dammit.)

The steaks came out as perfect fillets, seared on the outside and barely medium rare on the inside.

Fillet should never be cooked past medium. If you like yours medium well or more done, get a different cut of steak, like sirloin or burn a ribeye. But don't do that to a fillet :)
We served them up with baked potatoes, spinach maria, and a salad.
Urgent Request - Fort Hood: A Day Of Healing
BBQ for Our Troops does an amazing job coordinating BBQ's for US Armed forces. These are folks spending their time and their money to show our gratitude to deploying and/or returning troops. They have fed thousands of our military in the past few years. This isn't any big organization. It's a couple of guys like Pete and Del doing a TON of work on their own. They are the real deal.
They have been asked to put together a special event for the Fort Hood in the wake of the recent tragedy. They need your help. Money is good, you can donate at their website via paypal or credit card. But more importantly, if you live nearby, they could use your labor. Even if you don't know how to BBQ, they could use your help serving, prepping, moving, and whatever. If you have a smoker, they could definitely use your cooker space.
Please consider supporting this event with your time or money. Check out their website for what they are about.