It started off as a pre-made BGE short table from the dealer. We had learned a few things from tiling our first table a few years ago, such as sawing off the rounded ends makes tiling easier.
Then I temporarily brad-nailed some flashing around the hole. This would let us get a smoother grout line around the circle. Now we could top the table with thinset.
At this point, we pressed the tiles into place.
I built a frame around the front piece and we repeated the tile process in that frame.
Then I built a frame around the table top and clamped it all together to rest for 24 hours.
Next was grouting. You say "forced child labor", I say "a character building experience".
From there, it was time to stain 2 coats and a spar varnish.
Despite starting from a pre-made table, I'm pretty proud of the craftsmanship that we put into this one, especially the tiled accent piece on the front.

I'm happy with it.

But I do think I heard my other Egg table say, "Stupid new guy and his 'tiled accent piece'.....he's not so ****ing special."

Hey guess what!!!! There are two more Masterbuilt 30" Electric Smoker Giveaways going on. Hurry up and enter them both.
BBQ Grail (Inventor of the MOINK ball)
Barbecue Master